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Leo & Lea Coakley<br>Jeffersonville, IN

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Leo & Lea Coakley<br>Jeffersonville, IN

On Your Team, But Not on Your Payroll


Leo Coakley started his journey with Schaeffer Manufacturing Company in 1995. He was born and raised on a dairy farm in Belmont, KY. After 15 years of selling dairy supplies, he started looking for something new, but wanted to stay on the farm. He was calling on an Amish farm and saw his first bucket of Schaeffer Oil. They told him about the 30° temperature drop in the vacuum pump from using Schaeffer. Leo kept noticing yellow and red Schaeffer buckets and barrels in the area and hearing similar stories. He traveled to St. Louis to meet the people at Schaeffer Mfg. Leo soon realized that Schaeffer was the type of company where family, quality and customers came first. He knew it was the place for him.

Lea Coakley joined her dad in the Schaeffer business in 2015. Together they service Salem, Seymour, Scottsburg, and the Louisville Area. Their goal is to supply the best product for the best price, give the absolute best customer service possible and turn customers into friends.

Industries Served

They service many industries but specialize in:
Engine Building

Awards & Certifications

Leo Coakley:
Schaeffer Certified Ag Specialist
TIAP certification (Total Immersion Application Program)
Schaeffer's 100% Club


Leo is a member of the American Veterans Post.

